Downton Abbey 第六季 第一集Season 1 Episode 1

Downton Abbey 第六季 第一集Season 1 Episode 1

Mr. Carson: I love her, Mrs. Patmore. I’m happy and tickled and … bursting with pride that she would agree to be my wife. And I want us to live as closely as two people can, for the time that remains to us on earth.

Ms. Hughes: Mr. Carson, if you want me, you can have me, to quote Oliver Cromwell, warts and all.

這一集Mr./Mrs. Bates終於擺脫牢獄之災的陰影。警察通知他們證人終於認罪,Bates夫妻再也不用擔心受怕之後,Lord Gratham立刻指示管家拿出上好的香檳招待。他們喝的是 Veuve Clicquot 凱歌香檳。1772年開始生產,十九世紀首創轉瓶(REMUAGE)法去除第二次發酵所產生的沈澱物。此品牌是歐洲皇室,包括俄國沙皇、英國女王等愛用的香檳品牌。目前是LV精品集團旗下的一份子。


剛開場就感受到女性地位在20世紀初逐漸上升。從對馬鞍的選擇就看得出來。Lord Crawley 看到女兒Lady Mary像男性一樣雙腳打開騎馬,對這當時前衛的騎馬姿勢,老爸的表情有些驚訝:
Earl of Grantham: Do you really like riding like that, when the side saddle is much more graceful.
Lady Mary: And far more dangerous…



1.      You are a trustee and a patron.
2.      Do you really like riding like that, when the side saddle is much more graceful.
3.      You’re dodging the hospital meeting.
4.      Piggy-bag
5.      To show him the right way to go about things
6.      I hadn’t fully considered all the aspects of marriage, of what I’m getting into.
7.      No one’s clapped eyes on him without his togs for years.
8.      I’m not taking any sort of tone. I’m just reminding you of the deadline.
9.      You seem to be in possession of the facts when it’s the first time we’ve heard of it.
10.  Hospital Almoner
11.  I’m completely whacked.
12.  Viscount
13.  You let those children run you ragged.
14.  Grow up in the bosom of a great family
15.  I don’t believe Miss Marigold has any greater guarantee of happiness.
16.  I’m not asking you to wield a scythe
17.  Earl’s daughter in love tryst with married viscount
18.  I’m on bail and he’s on tenterhooks until they decided if they can make a case against either of us.
19.  Be down in the mouth = 難過 / 生氣
20.  You’ll be dead by the year’s end if there’s no let up.
21.  We can’t have the President in a tug-of-war against the Almoner.
22.  That’s the nub of it.
23.  You sound like a guilty party who tries to throw me off the scent.
24.  Granny was on form.
Be on form = 與他人期待的狀態相同; 老樣子
25.  I am afraid the times are catching up with the Abbey, too, as they were bound to.
26.  I’m a veritable tomb when other people’s secrets are concerned.
27.  We are down to the bare bones as it is.
28.  Things are positively frugal around here.
Frugal = 節儉的
29.  It’s a difficult topic to arrive at.
30.  It’ll be a lot worse when you are sprawled over the centre pages of the news of the world.
31.  You must be a glutton for punishment.
Be a glutton for something 熱愛某物
Be a glutton for punishment 其實有任勞任怨之意。Lady Mary此為雙關語。來勒索的人剛好是個工人階級,任勞任怨本應是對勞工階級的讚美,但這裡被Lady Mary拿來比喻此人等不及要被處罰了。

32.  No, I wouldn’t have said she was a long term prospect, not very congenial, you see.
33.  You maybe have a touching faith in officialdom.
34.  Inspector Vyner thinks it may be a false confession. You do get people coming forward who had nothing to do with it.
35.  No one could corroborate it.
36.  It was a spur-of-the-moment thing.
37.  Impertinence 無禮
38.  Courtier 朝臣
39.  Ornamental 裝飾性的
40.  Organ grinder 街頭手風琴師
41.  To have his whole future hanging in the balance, at his time of life. Poor man.
42.  They are throwing in the towel. 認輸
43.  As thick as thieves 親密無間
44.  Are you trying to suggest in your usual, maladroit fashion, that our jobs are in peril?
45.  My life is up the spout.
46.  I’m on the edge of my seat. 緊張
47.  It was all I could do not to give her a slap.
48.  You were on a mission for her.
49.  I don’t believe embarrassment has much of a part to play when something is as important as this.
50.  I hope I do not ask the indelicate when I send you back to relay this message.
51.  I could never have lived a pat-a-cake friendship lie.
52.  Your ladyship’s humour is always a tonic.
53.  Sometimes I feel I’ve been given one little bit of happiness and that’ll have to do. From now on, my life will be all of a pattern.
54.  Being sniped at by Mary
55.  A deb in her first season
56.  I expect to find the whole of the Bloomsbury Se curled up in a corner with a book.
57.  My darling Papa transformed into Machiavelli at a touch.
Machiavelli 義大利政治學家,馬基維利。
58.  I’m more interested than ever to see who, in the future, does come up to your exacting standards.
59.  The Fall of the House of Usher
60.  We mustn’t crow.
61.  Are you planning to turn up your nose at the new owner?
62.  I hate to see people’s thing piled up in a heap.
63.  Does it ever get cold on the moral high ground?
64.  A shawl
65.  I don’t think I could break with tradition to quite that degree.
66.  Sic transit gloria mundi
67.  I’ve a mind to poke around.
68.  Thurloe Square
69.  Veuve Clicquot 凱歌香檳
70.  British Justice, envy of the world.
71.  Gramophone
72.  She’ll serve time for manslaughter
73.  She was quite a crosspatch, but she was always kind to me.
74.  It is a dismissible offence
75.  Tick someone off = tell someone off
76.  All of which adds up to a very trying spring and summer ahead..
77.  I dare say Guy Fawkes regretted trying to blow up Parliament, m’lday.
78.  I hope I do not ask the indelicate when I send you back to relay this message.
79.  I love her, Mrs. Patmore. I’m happy and tickled and … bursting with pride that she would agree to be my wife. And I want us to live as closely as two people can, for the time that remains to us on earth.
80.  “I suppose you thought there’d be no repercussions with Bate’s good news.” “No, I know I hadn’t heard the last of it.”
81.  I wouldn’t want you to think that I’d inveigled you into an arrangement which was not what you’d expected.
82.  9 days of wonder

83.  Mr. Carson, if you want me, you can have me, to quote Oliver Cromwell, warts and all.
